A Right to Repair consultation for Home Appliances and Consumer Electronics

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In Budget 2024, the Government of Canada committed to launch consultations on a right to repair policy for home appliances and consumer electronics, focused on repairability, interoperability and durability. The purpose of this consultation is to gather feedback from Canadians to inform policy direction, to improve Canadians’ ability to repair a range of consumer products.

Consultation Survey

This voluntary survey invites all Canadians and stakeholders to share their insights on a potential right to repair policy approach for Canada. Your input will help to shape the Government’s approach to advancing right to repair.
All questions are optional allowing you to focus on areas of interest or expertise. Your responses will be kept private in accordance with laws designed to protect your privacy, including the Privacy Act.

The consultation period will be open for feedback from June 28, 2024 to September 26, 2024.

We thank you in advance for your important contribution. If you encounter any difficulties with the consultation survey or require accommodation, please contact isrighttorepair-ledroitalareparationsi@ised-isde.gc.ca.